
Showing posts from October, 2017


Life expectancy:    the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year why do women live longer? -men take more risks than most women do -There are more men than women that have very dangerous jobs such as a lumberjack or construction worker -There are more men than women in the armed forces Crude birth rate: the number of births per 1,000 of the population Crude death rate: the number of deaths per 1,000 of the population Rate of Natural Increase (RNI): -Produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate -This gives us the annual natural growth rate(in%) for a country or region Net migration rate: the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year -An excess of persons entering the country in net immigration (written in a positive number) -An excess of persons leaving the country is net emigration (written in a negative number)

Population and Settlement

More people than ever!! over 7.5 billion people on earth increasing by 73 million each year approximately 2000,000 a day 90% of this population growth takes place in the developing countries of Africa, South and East Africa, and Latin America Life expectancy the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year population billions   1         2         3        4         5         6        7  year                         1804  1927  1960   1974    1984   1999   2011 years elapsed       10,000   123    33       14        13        12      12

Test day!!

Today was very nice because Kelsie brought in candy which was very good and I wanted to eat so many but I had to control myself. I only ate two and I was really trying just to eat one but I had to. Other than that the test went rally well I think. Im not sure I did AMAZING on the multiple choice but I think I did pretty okay. There was only like two I was iffy on. I forget what they were not but if I didn't I would put them in here. However, for the essay I think I did really well honestly. I think I thought of a very good example and explained it really well and came up with a very detailed answer. Also, I used an answer we didn't go over in class it was right from my own brain which makes it even better... or worse if it was actually really bad. But I doubt it cause it sounded pretty good to me :)))

Making test questions

What is one state that most of the time votes republican? Texas Who proposed a work wide system of time zones in 1879?   Sir sanford Flemming How many regions in the United States?  5 What continent is the biggest on a Peter's Map? A mercator? P=Africa M=Asia EXTRA CREDIT: what does GPS stand for? Global Positioning System  what is the science of at and map making? Cartography What is cultural landscape? a combination of both physical and human characteristics that uniquely define an area. What degree is the equator? The prime meridian? E= 0 PM=0 What is globalization? It Is a force or process that involves the entire world and rests in making something worldwide in scope. ESSAY: give an example of thinking globally and acting locally,, describe the advantages and disadvantages of this. (think about effectiveness, practicality) Ride a bike, buy locally, hep refugees What was a state that voted republican all three years? Texas What is a geographic coordinate ...

true false

every place occupies a unique location or place on earth- true geographers use maps as there primary tool not only for identifying points on the earths surface, but also as the means for comparing phenomena between different places-true what is the art and science of making maps? Cartography How many time zones are there in the world? 24 What is the prime meridian? center longitude line, get through Greenwich, England What does GPS stand for? Global Positioning System Global Mean Time? what time it is at greenwich

dogs/ global warming

    Today I'm human geo it was a really sad day. We spent the first about maybe 20 minutes talking about mr. schicks day yesterday putting his puppy down. It was really sad and even maddie and sydney and Kelsie started crying. It was really sad and I felt so bad. But after we got over talking about that we started talking about global warming. We all shared our opinions and talked about if it was really real or not. Chase told us about his science teacher who didn't believe it was real and our weather just goes through hot and cold phases. It got me thinkigand this is like random but if  one day we all die from our environment if reincarnation is for real then what will happen.


At a local scale, such as an urban neighborhood, geographers tend to see unique features.  At the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns.  Think global, act local meant that the environment was being harmed by processes such as global warming that were global in scale, but it could be improved by actions, such as consuming less gasoline, that were local in scale Think  and act GLOBAL AND LOCAL is a better way to think the scale depends on the situation Globalization scale is very important  globalization is a force  or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope... means that the scale of he world is shrinking in the case of abilities of people and things Globalization: the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. the act or process of globalizing: the ...

Scale: From Local to Global

Today in class we talked about the term Act locally, think globally. The has to do with food and products and oil and everything. When he act locally and just in our surroundings we can effect everything around us. We needed to right down these words, at the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns. We spent most of the time talking about how much oil we import and export. We used the CIA website and found out we import the most oil and export the 3rd. There are two countries bigger than ours and we use so much more than them. This is awful because oil is a nonrenewable resource and we are hurting the earth by using so much. We could be using better ways like using solar panels to create energy.

CIA stuff

During class we fished out maps the we were making off of our lists we made of the 25 countries with the top populations. Then after we finished our maps and lists we had to find a special facebooked about any country we wanted. I chose Argentina I think and as I was looking throughout the facts on it on the CIA website I noticed that it said they had a certain amount of heliports. I didn't know the there was such thing as a heliport. I thought you just landed a helicopter and took them off from a normal airport. So, I decided to use this as my fact BUT OF COURSE AIDAN HAD TO USE THAT IN HIS FACT. So I was like whatever and still shared it because it was mine.

Pop Quiz and Top 25 Countries

Today we had a pop quiz on some states and I did really bad I got a 70% but its okay because I still passed and I still have an a and I had a headache so I'm just gonna blame it on that. Also, Everyone in my class was being so annoying about the stupid quiz. They were yelling and whining and freaking out like little babies and I was very annoyed so I had to yell at them. All this made my head hurt even worse so it was basically horrible. But then we talked about countries on the CIA website and the top 25 and here they are. 1 CHINA 1,379,302,771 JULY 2017 EST. 2 INDIA 1,281,935,911 JULY 2017 EST. 3 UNITED STATES 326,625,791 JULY 2017 EST. 4 INDONESIA 260,580,739 JULY 2017 EST. 5 BRAZIL 207,353,391 JULY 2017 EST. 6 PAKISTAN 204,924,861 JULY 2017 EST. 7 NIGERIA 190,632,261 JULY 2017 EST. 8 BANGLADESH 157,826,578 JULY 2017 EST. 9 RUSSIA 142,257,519 JULY 2017 EST. 10 JAPAN 126,451,398 JULY 2017 EST. 11 MEXICO 124,574,795 JULY 2017 EST. 12 ETHIOPIA 105,350,020 JULY 2017 ES...

Time zones

Scottish-born Canadian Sir Sandford Fleming proposed a worldwide system of time zones in 1879.  initial effort that led to the adoption of the present time meridians 1876, proposal was for a global 24-hour clock, conceptually located at the center of the Earth and not linked to any surface meridian 1879 he specified that his universal day would begin at the anti-meridian of Greenwich By about 1900, almost all time on Earth was in the form of standard time zones, MAIN POINTS Earth as a sphere is divided into 360º of longitude. –Divide 360º by 24 time zones (one for each hour of day) equals 15º. Each 15º band of longitude is assigned to a standard time zone. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is… –Located at the prime meridian (0º longitude). Passes through Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England –Master reference time for all points on Earth.

Party Votes Into Regions

       Today we spent the first probably about 20 minutes of class talking about the PSAT's and the SAT's and our school uniforms. Mr. Schick believes we should wear jumpsuits like Tom Cruise did in Top Gun. At first I laughed at this but then as I began to think about it more it really is a good idea. You could put patches on it to show you extra curricular and it basically solves most of the problems we have now with out uniforms. After we talked for a while we were supposed to get just about 5 minutes to work on putting our states we listed into regions. However, we did this for the whole class. I was already finished because I did it the night before for homework, so I didn't really have any human geo related things to do for the class. But I had a vocabulary quiz next period so I studied for it all class and I think I mighta done well.

Regions and the Cultural Landscape

A region is an area of earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics. Cultural Landscape is an area fashioned from nature by a cultural group. Cultural Landscape is also a combination of both physical and human characteristics that come together. There are two types of Region Types,,,        Several neighboring countries that share important features,, for example, Latin America        Many localities within a country,, Example, California For the rest of class we looked at the states and which way they voted, either for the republican or Democratic Party in the last three elections. Then when we made a list and determined which states voted which way and how many times they voted that way. We then put the states into regions.