Party Votes Into Regions

       Today we spent the first probably about 20 minutes of class talking about the PSAT's and the SAT's and our school uniforms. Mr. Schick believes we should wear jumpsuits like Tom Cruise did in Top Gun. At first I laughed at this but then as I began to think about it more it really is a good idea. You could put patches on it to show you extra curricular and it basically solves most of the problems we have now with out uniforms. After we talked for a while we were supposed to get just about 5 minutes to work on putting our states we listed into regions. However, we did this for the whole class. I was already finished because I did it the night before for homework, so I didn't really have any human geo related things to do for the class. But I had a vocabulary quiz next period so I studied for it all class and I think I mighta done well.


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