Important words

      Today in class we researched some new words, events and people.
Agora- This is a public open space used for assemblies and markets. This is also the spiritual, athletic and political center of the area.
Polis- Polis is a city-state in ancient Greece, especially as considered as its ideal form for philosophical purposes. This word literally means city in Greek. It can also mean a body of citizens.
The importance of 508 BC in Athens Greece- This is the year that democracy was introduced. It was introduced by Cleisthenes. He wrote them a constitution. This led to the first written history of a revolt against rules. Greece was the first revolt, and since many have followed.
Socrates- He was a Greek Philosopher and credited with being one of the early founders of Western Civilization. He was born in 470 BC. Founded the Socratic method.
Socratic Method- A form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to further ideas.
The death of Socrates- Socrates death was labeled as a suicide although, it was truly a death sentence. He was put up against a jury and refused to live down his beliefs. He wouldn't admit to believing in the gods the city believed in and they killed him. He died in 399 BC. 


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