The Rise of Christianity

  • roman power spread to Judea
  • Rome took control of the Jewish Kingdom in A.D. 6
  • two decades after Rome took control the messiah (Jesus) came
  • somewhere in 6 to 4 A.D a jew named Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea
  • raised in Nazareth, Northern Palestine
  • Age 30 he began his pubic ministry
  • has 12 men as Apostles (followers)
  • Gospels were written
  • Jesus attracted large crowds
  • Jesus' popularity concerned Jewish and Roman authorities
  • Chief Priests of the Jews denied Jesus was the Messiah 
  • Jesus was accused, by Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, of defying roman authority and was arrested, then crucified
  • After his death, his body was put in a tomb and he resurrected from it 
  • Christos- Greek- "Messiah" or "Savior"
  • Jesus' teachings did not contradict Jewish laws
  • His first followers were Jews
  • Followers began to create a religion based on his teachings
  • Christianity spread slow and steadily throughout the Roman Empire
  • Disagreements about beliefs spread through  followers
  • New Testament was added to the Hebrew Bible
  • A.D. 325 Constantine moved to solidifying the beliefs 
  • Augustine became the first bishop in 396 A.D. 


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