Nothing Class

        Today's class was so much fun. He gave us time to do our homework which was really great because I had a long night. It was good day though. My first class I opened my laptop an there was a note on it that my brother had left that said "Have a Great Day Love You!" It really made my day because he left yesterday and I was a sad about it. He lives in New York so I don't get to see him that much. It was really good to see him or the weekend. The note was so sweet of him and I'm so happy he did it. But the res of my day was also really good. Human Geo we got to do our homework and and listen to music so that was great. Also, in intro to bible we played Kahoot and it was really fun. I got first place one of the times!! My other classes were good but kinda boring though but not hard. Right now I'm facetiming this really annoying kid that wot leave me alone and he's a fatty mcbutter butt. But were really good friends and he's not really annoying I'm having  really good time.


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