
Western Civ 3-22

Alexander’s Empire:

Philip Builds Macedonia Empire
·      Philip is Alexander’s dad and king of Macedonia
·      King of Macedonia who invaded Greece and won
·      He was going to conquer Persia but he was murdered
·      Murdered at his daughter’s wedding
Alexander Names Himself King
·      20 years old
·      Defeats Persia
·      tutored by the greatest mind of their time; Aristotle
·      relied on the Iliad
·      Alexander vs. Darius
o   Alexander was outnumbered by Darius but won anyways
·      crowed pharaoh by Egypt; 332 BC
o   told him he was a god
·      army moves east to Mesopotamia
o   Darius’s army outnumbered alexander again with a HUGE army
o   Battle at Gaugamela
o   Used Phalanx and Won again
·      Alexander continues East to Persepolis
o   Burned and destroyed it
Alexander’s Other Conquest
·      Now reigned as unchallenged ruler of South Asia
·      326 BC Hydaspes River, defeats India
·      discovered war elephants
·      been fighting for 11 years and marches 11,000 miles. Army wanted to go home and they did
·      323 BC Army reaches Babylon and Alexander settled there
·      died of serious illness at 32 years old

o   never carried out full plans


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