Alexander the Great


  • located just north of greece
  • bought terrain
  • cold climate
  • mountain villages not city-states
  • Macedonians looked down on by greeks
  • were seen as uncivilized
  • had screwed and fearless kings
King Phillip
  • army
    • turned rugged peasants into well trained professional soldiers
    • phalanxes 16 across 16 deep
    • 18 foot pike
    • fast moving cavalry
  • Conquest of Greece
    • Philip prepared invasion of greece
    • 338bc Athens and Thebes joined forces to defeat Philip
    • was too late^^
    • Macedonians defeated greeks
    • ended greek independance
Alexander the Great
  • Became king
    • declared himself king
    • father(Philip) died a Alex's sisters wedding
  • As king
    • 20 years old
    • taught by aristotle
    • rode horsed used weapons ad commanded troops from young age
    • 6,000 thespians killed when they rebelled


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