2 hour and 20 minute video

Today in class we are watching a very long video however we are not going to watch the whole thing. 

  • cleithenses had been brought up to be a ruler
  • Athens was in a sense turned against itself
  • aristocrats against common people
  • the whole country was in the hands of a few people
  • common had no part or share in anything
  • aristocrats only interested in preserving their own power
  • landscape riven by mountain ranges
  • impossible for a single ruler to rule this fragmented world
  • Argos had stood for over a thousand years
  • corinthians dominated trade
  • sparta had amazing military power
  • spartans were brought up from birth to be soldiers, separated from families, raised on the field
  • spartans lived a life stripped of comfort and had few possessions besides weapons 
  • spartans wore red to symbolize enemy blood
  • spartans ate terrible food
  • to the rest of the greeks spartans were a threat
  • The main thing that inspired greeks were their stories; ancient tales and myths
  • these stories influenced cleisthenes from his earliest days
  • Most famous: The Elliot and The Oddessy
  • the more young women you deflowered and there heroes you knocked the greater image you created
  • big change in the middle of the 6th century when one man seizes control of the greek government and became a tyrant; demanded he be given rule because he had "the protected of a Goddess"; this was Pisistratus. 
  • He was an extremely intelligent man 
  • He was cleisthenese brother in law
  • turned to common athenians for support
  • eastern Mediterranean was the gold spot marketplace 
  • sold gold, silver, art, food; all types of goods
  • potters were close to the scum of the earth in athenian society
  • in Olympus people world gather to compete in sports; where we got our modern day olympics
  • heroism was a thing; seize power whenever and however you can 
  • most ambitious of men going against cleisthenes was isagoras
  • isagoras was also brought up believe he was meant for rule
  • turned to spartans for support
  • rumor he shared his wife with spartan king
  • common athenians revolted against isagoras 
  • white pebbles meant yes in voting; black pebbles meant no
  • cleisthenes instituted the rule f the people; democracy
  • gathered every 9 days to vote on issues
  • democracy would set off one of the greatest flowerings this world would ever see


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