The Rise of Christianity
roman power spread to Judea Rome took control of the Jewish Kingdom in A.D. 6 two decades after Rome took control the messiah (Jesus) came somewhere in 6 to 4 A.D a jew named Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea raised in Nazareth, Northern Palestine Age 30 he began his pubic ministry has 12 men as Apostles (followers) Gospels were written Jesus attracted large crowds Jesus' popularity concerned Jewish and Roman authorities Chief Priests of the Jews denied Jesus was the Messiah Jesus was accused, by Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, of defying roman authority and was arrested, then crucified After his death, his body was put in a tomb and he resurrected from it Christos- Greek- "Messiah" or "Savior" Jesus' teachings did not contradict Jewish laws His first followers were Jews Followers began to create a religion based on his teachings Christianity spread slow and steadily throughout the Roman Empire Disagreements about beliefs spread throu...
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