full world leaders

Enrique Pena Nieto:

  • low approval ratings- 28%
  • modest beginnings 
Xi Jinping:

  • son of Xi Zhongxun,, one of the Communist party's founding fathers
  •  daughter went to Harvard
Narendra Modi:
  • from socially and educationally backward class
  • was a keen debater in high school
  • reduced spending on health care ... they really need it!!
  • works to improve sanitation 
Vladimir Putin
  • intelligence officer in KGB
  • Retired with rank of Lieutenant colonel;
  • KGB main security for Soviet Union
  • Ruthless, heartless, cold-hearted
Angela Merkel:
  • she is #1 most powerful woman in the world
  • #3 most powerful person in the world 
  • very smart!!!
Theresa May
  • she took over for David Cameron when he resigned filling the Brexit vote 
  • May favored leaving the EU

Emmanuel Macron
  • youngest president in the history of France
  • wife is freaking 60 something years old
Shinzo Abe
  • family of politicians
  • married to daughter of previous prime minister
  • "symbol of state and unity of people ,, no governmental powers"
Sergio Mattarella
  • prominent Sicilian family
  • father helped found the Christian Democracy 
  • brother was killed by Sicilian Mafia
Bashar al- Assad
  • g
Justin Trudeau
  • defended Canadian federalism 
  • fought against 100 million dollar zinc mine 
 Prime Minister Netanyahu
  • lived in U.S
Donald J. Trump
  • businessman, billionaire, author, reality tv star, politician
  • oldest person to assume presidency 
  • 248th wealthiest man in the world
  • worth 3.1 billion dollars
Uhuru Kenyatta
  • son of Kenyas first president 
  • 2 terms
  • sham election 
Moon Jae-in
  • his parents were refugees
  • former student activist, human rights lawyer, chief presidential secretary to president
  • lost in three way race but became president after current president was impeached 

Kim Jong Un

  • clame to be democratic// more like a dictatorship
  • juche- national self reliance 
  • killed his brother who was favorited to succeed 
  • killed uncle and his family 
  • killed ministry of people security - supported ^^^ (uncle)


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