
Showing posts from December, 2017

exam review

today we spent the class reviewing for exams. we are taking the human geo exam tomorrow and for me I have to take it 30 minutes readier than everyone else because I have to leave at 9:20 to go get my braces off! I am really excited to get my braces off but very nervous for the exam. I feel pretty confident in my human geo knowledge but whenever I feel like that I end up doing terrible. I need to study the two essay questions a lot.  One of them is about the population pyramids and demographic transition chart. and the other is about globalization. I need to study up on both of those things. We could also choose to write about how we feel about undocumented immigrants. I do have my thoughts about that but I'm not sure if it is the best question to answer because I'm not sure I want to get myself into that.

best class ever

tomorrow is mr schicky's birthday so we had some amazing cake made by owen and some great cookies from mr. schick and it was soooo tasty I ate so much.  then some girl performed a dance and then we talked about exam. heres a picture of me and card enjoying cake. 

class w a sub

YOU WERE NOT HERE SMH I used the period to study for the test on Monday and to study for exams. We made a quilt to help stud for the exams and hopefully it is very helpful. I am really thankful that we have this period to study because I am rally stressed out for exams. I am TERRIBLE at taking tests so I already know I'm going to do really bad and probably fail and get a badd semester grade and my parents are gonna be mad at me but its fineeeeeeee. jk just saw the blog.... no stressing for the test anymore

quizzes back// talked about exams

Today we got our quizzes back and talked about exams. I didn't do awful on my quiz considering it was a pop quiz and I missed half of the video. I got a 16 out of 20 which isn't an a but at least its a b. I really need to get my grade up in this class so hopefully I can with the test Monday before exams because I'm so stressed I know I'm going to fail. We talked about exams for most of this class. He told us what to expect and how things will work and what room we are going to be in and how long it will take and the electronics policy and studying and leaving. It was good to get to know this because I'm really stressed for exams.

demographic transition

Today in class we took a pop quiz on the Hans Rowling video and I think I did pretty well. then we went over demographic transition  Demographic Transition means  the transition from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country or region develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system.   The system/idea was proposed in 1929 by someone named Warren Thompson.   The model showed changes that happens when a population either starts to develop or industrialize.    Most developed countries have completed the demographic transition and have low birth rates and are in stage 5  least developed nation are in stage 1 and have high birth rates and low death rates there are 5 stages germany in stage 5 Nigeria stage 1


I was absent for half the class so I don't really know what they did after I left. but while I was there we continued to watch the has Rowling video and we talked about Korea and trump.

push and pull forces

Why do people migrate?: -Push Forces Civil war  Environmental degradation Unemployment or underemployment Religious or ethnic persecution  -Pull Forces: Better economic opportunity  Better health services Religious or political freedom  I got my test back and I was really excited that I got a 100 on my essay because I thought it was really good. I got an overall 85 on the test and I wish I would have gotten an A but its okay ill make it up :))