Kiva facts

Kiva is a non-profit organization that allows people in need of a little extra money to get the help they need. People will go to Kiva to share their story to try and encourage people to donate money to them. They most likely need the money to kick start their business but they might need other things such as animals to help provide for their family. Also, schools and social businesses will go on to borrow money. However, the money is more of a loan. Kiva has a 97.1% loan repayment. This means that you will most likely get all of the money you donated back.  Kiva works in 89 countries and has had 1.7 million people donate. Kiva is done all over the internet by microfunds. They have collected over 1 billion donations. Along with, there is, that shares personal stories of all the people or businesses on there. Kiva is supported by grants, loans, donations, corporations and national institutions. It is headquartered in San Francisco, California.


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