9/11 and test review

       Today in class since its the anniversary of the terrorist attack in New York, we talked about that day. we went around and shared if we knew anyone who was there. Me, Chase and Kelsie all knew someone who was either there or supposed to be. Then, Mr. Schick went into detail about his experience on that day. It was cool and sad too hear about someones experience that actually lived through that day.
       After we talked about 9/11,, we started to review for out test we're having tomorrow. We reviewed the slides we've gone over in class and asked questions. He told us about some of the questions that will be on the test. He said some about the definitions we went over, some about Socrates, some about A Message to Garcia and about the overall theme of excellence. Tonight while I study my notes for the test, along with remembering the material, I will have to ask myself the question; How does the all come back to excellance?


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