My First Day At John Carroll!

   My first morning at John Carroll has started off with a rough start. When I first got here my soccer team was meeting in the locker room so we could all put ribbon in our hair for game day! However, the girl who was supposed to bring the ribbon for our hair still wasn't there at 7:45. I was so nervous about being late that I just didn't wait and went to my locker. So, I asked Kaitlyn Sydner to bring the ribbon to our advisory.
     I hurried up to the third floor to where my locker was but, when I tried to get it open, I couldn't get it open. I wrote down my locker combo last night in my folder but it was the wrong one. I had to ask my advisor, Mr. Johnson, what my locker combination was. He was talking to a student and I didn't want to interrupt, so I waited for him to be done. By the time I had got my locker open and all my books inside it was 7:57! I had to race downstairs to make sure was on time. When me and Madison got downstairs it was 7:59. We were barely on time but we made it! Human Geography went really well but it was kinda hot so I regretted wearing long sleeves. Most of my classes were really hot, except math... it was freezing!
     All my classes went really well! My Spanish class was really fun because there were some upperclassman and they were really funny. Lunch was really fun but I got in the wrong line. I got in the line with pizza and I wanted chicken nuggets so it was kinda a bummer. Also, I was supposed to have a scrimmage after school but since its raining it got cancelled so I'm sad. However I got to end my day with a free mod with Madison and we had a lot of fun! My first day had its ups and downs but over all I'm looking forward to my next 4 years as a patriot!


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