A Message to Garcia Analysis

             Edward Hubbard uses the writing A Message to Garcia to express his feelings about the people of his society. He knows about how this man named Rowan who carried his message to Garcia. He was given a task my his president, who at the time was McKinley, to carry a message to Garcia for the good of his country. This man, Rowan, accepted his task and just went for it. He didn't ask any questions, not where he was or where he could find him, not anything. He took his task and complete it on his own, by himself. He cut no corners, he just took his task and finished it. Hubbard goes on to talk about how people need to carry their messages to Garcia. What he means when he says that is to just take what is given to you and do it. Don't ask questions to make your job easier, don't ask someone else to do it, and don't complain about having to do it. Take what is given to you and do it. Carry your message to Garcia.
             Agree with the way that Hubbard thinks about his society. Society today I feel is probably even worse than the people he was thinking of and referring to as he wrote this. Today if our society, and especially in America, many people complain, try to get out of things, or just don't do it very well. Many people try to cut corners and make things easier. The man Rowan just took his task as it was given as should most should do the days.
             I understand his point because of all the experiences I've had with lazy people today. Many people that work at the businesses that we use for things like shopping and our phones and electronics and things.  Countless times I have been out shopping and needed help. Seems like an easy thing to do just to ask someone who works there where something is. However, so many times when I have asked they use their walkie-talkies or whatever device they have to get someone else to do it. Also, even when thy do help you they almost seem to never have a good attitude about it. People today who are asked to do simple, easy things still want to find their way out of it or cut corners or complain about it.
         My number one thing I feel needs to be in my action plan is to do all of my work and do it to the best of my ability. I feel that doing things 100% is the way that you will find the most success. If I do all my homework and my classwork to the best of my ability it will be hard for be to not do well in a class. Next, I feel a very important part of my success is going to be studying for my tests and quizzes. Im not very good at taking tests and quizzes, at least I haven't been in the past. But I feel this year, if I study hard and make sure I really know my material, it will help me be successful. Third, I feel a big contributor to my success this year will be playing on varsity soccer. The will make me want to do well in my classes so I can continue to play with my team. Another habit that will put me on the path to success is using my off mods for work and not just to mess around. Off mods are the perfect opportunity to get things done so you have less work to do at home. The will help me get things done and allow more time for me to sleep. Last, paying attention in my classes will of course help me a lot. I get distracted very easily and really tired in school. However if I can get past those and pay attention I will learn a lot and be able to take good notes. This will help me when I take tests, write papers and do my work.


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